Today I had another ultrasound with the pernatologist to check on Butterbean's left kidney. The appointment went well, his left kidney is still a bit enlarged, but it hasn't gotten any larger, which is a good sign. Also, the amniotic fluid around Bean looks good, so I will have one more ultrasound in a month (at 37 weeks) before Butterbean arrives.
Butterbean is weighing about 4.4 lbs and is laying on his right side, head down, which explains why my bladder feels like is it always squished! I'm also constantly feeling him push his back (and I'm assuming his bootie too) into my right side. It is so amazing to see all his movement. Jason says "it looks like I have an alien in my stomach"....
Another fun part of the ultrasound was seeing that Butterbean is already growing some hair! If you look in the pictures below you can see tiny sprouts on the top of his head - that's hair!
Only 7 or so more weeks and we'll get to meet and see our sweet angel!

Look at that cute Butterbean Dean and his spikey hair!! Can't believe only 6 more exciting!!