Tuesday, May 18, 2010

32 weeks & growing!

All I can say is that time is really starting to fly past me! In 8 weeks Butterbean will be here, I really can't believe it. It feels like yesterday when I found out I was pregnant. However, talk with me in a few more weeks, I've heard the last few weeks just creep by.

Today I had another OB appointment and all is going well with our little boy. I'm measuring at 32 weeks, so things are right on track. Also my blood pressure and weight are also still looking good. I will have an ultrasound next Wed. with the perinatolgist to continue to monitor Butterbean's kidney. I'm really hoping that we will see improvement, but whatever we do see, we will roll with the punches. The doctor today reassured me that it's not an issue to overly worry about, which is always great to hear.

As you can see my belly continues to grow... Proof is in the picture to say the least!

I'm still feeling really good. However, I can tell that I'm slowing down a bit. I can't pop right out of bed (it's more of a roll..) and the weight of my belly is finally starting to affect what I can do in the gym. I plan finish out our May boot camp, since I'm on our instructor schedule, however I think I'm going to have to hang it up for June. Between the heat and honestly running has really become challenging, I know I need to do what's best for Butterbean. I have to admit, knowing what I was able to do before getting pregnant and seeing my limitations now has been really humbling! However, my goal is to continue to do some sort of activity, walking on the treadmill, weights, etc. until the very end.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. My very best girlfriends - Jori, Jill, Brandy, Christine and Heather are throwing a shower for Butterbean. I can't wait to see friends and family to celebrate our sweet little boy!


  1. the only thing growing is your belly!!! you are looking good, can't wait to see you in person on Saturday!!

  2. Love what you did with the room. Can't wait to see you and your belly tomorrow : )
