- 17.13 lbs - 55th percentile (gained almost 4 lbs since his 4 month appt.)
- 17 1/4 head circumference - 55th percentile
- 26 1/4 inches long - 50th percentile (grew 1 1/4 inches!)
His new nickname is the "little giant"... I think you can clearly see why! Matthew continues to grow, grow and grow. He eats ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING we have given him. We made it through all the typical stage 1 foods and are moving on to stage 2. I'm making some food (and yes, buying some as well). Over the weekend I made a combo of spinach, peas and sweet potatoes, pears and blueberries, and broccoli with sweet potatoes. So far all have been a hit! We tried mango and bananas last night - of course the kid ate them right up! Clearly this is how he's becoming a "little giant"!
This was taken in early December, clearly dinner wore him out!
And as Matthew turned 6 months old, he also experienced his first Christmas. Like most infants, he cared more about the bows and paper. I'm sure next year will be a totally different story!
Matthew with his cousins, Bryson & AndrewAnd as each month goes by, and he gets older, he hits another milestone. It was over Christmas that he started sitting up on his own (with little support). It's so hard to believe!
And I also bought him a bath seat, since he's sitting up so well.
As much as I love to see all these changes, at times it makes me sad that he's growing up SO much and so fast. But I guess that's just a part of parenthood.
And lastly, I took this picture tonight before Matthew's bath - man I love this little giant!
Wow Monica he gets cuter and cuter each day! I love the food coma, that is priceless! Hope your new job is going well