Yes, I know... I've been extremely bad with my updates on our sweet Matthew.
Between a trip to Las Vegas at the end of October, a girls weekend in Asheville, then Thanksgiving, the month of November has completely slipped past me. They always as as you "get older" time flies right past you, but boy they forgot to mention when you become a parent, it flies by in warp speed!
Sweet Matthew continues to grow by leaps and bounds. It's really hard to ever imagine he was this tiny 5 lb nugget, that we actually worried he wouldn't put on weight...
Here is his 5 month picture - man I love those cheeks!

And speaking of changes, tomorrow is my last day with the American Cancer Society. I accepted a position at Northside Hospital in their oncology program, and I start on Monday. It was such a bittersweet decision to make, but one that I needed to make both personally for our family and professionally. They always say that motherhood "changes you" and I just truly never understood or knew until it happened to me. I just knew in my heart it was time for me to switch gears, so I could be closer to home with Matthew and Jason. It will be hard to say good-bye to all the wonderful people I've come to know and love at ACS, but know that I will continue to work with this wonderful organization in my new role.
He is getting so big! I can't believe how much hair he has, definitely gets that from his mama. Carson's first game was Tech too! Adam and I have agreed the Jackets are our neutral school to cheer for.
ReplyDeleteChanges are the theme of Life, rather its a job or personal matters. Bottom line its very evident that the circle of life is in full swing with you. I'm very proud of you and Jason and enjoy seeing Matthew continue to grow and developed into another extension of our families. I can't help think of how blessed we are when you came into the world and how much your Mom and Dad loved you. I'm comforted to know when I think about them, they are looking down and smiling on your achievements and certainly Motherhood! I'm personally touched in reading your updates and humble to say that "I love You" and that you are my favorite and always will be.
Uncle P