Well we've had a busy, busy weekend in the Dean Household. Yesterday we went to our nephew's 5th birthday party (which was so much fun), dinner with Jason's parents for his birthday and a retirement party for Jason's old boss.
BUT we started our day with something that I will hold in my heart forever!
As many of you know, Jason and I weren't sure if we were going to find out the sex of Butterbean. I told Jason it was completely his decision to whethere we found out or not, I would have been happy either way, but if you know me, deep down I really wanted to know - I'm way too much of a planner in life.
Well as I mentioned in my last post our next OB appointment and "big" ultrasound is on 2/24, and Jason and I are headed to Texas in February and my wonderful family will be throwing us a baby shower. I told Jason if we are going to find out, I'd love to be able to tell my family before the trip... Soooooo... after what felt like much comtemplation, Jason text me last Monday and said "Let's Do It!" He threw his little message in a text with something else, so I literally had to read and re-read it again to see if I was reading it correctly. Needless to say I was thrilled :)
Now fast forward... There is a 3D/4D imaging center here in Atlanta that not only does 3D/4D ultrasounds, but they also offer early gender determination. So I made us an appointment for Saturday at 12:30 pm. Although Jason did start having second thoughts late Friday night, it was too late - no turning back, the appointment's been made (well at least that's what I kept saying).
The morning flew by and there we were - off to Baby's First Images. Jason kept saying he was nervous, because I kept saying I thought Butterbean was a girl. He must of have been envisioning: puberty, dating and a wedding ;)
Well after only a few short seconds and I mean a few short seconds the words came out...
All I can say, those words were probably some of the most cherished words I've ever heard. My heart just melted. Evidently Butterbean was letting it all show - that's our boy! So here are a few pictures of our sweet boy and "proof":

YAY!! You won't have as much fun with the clothes, but little boys are so much fun!! :)
ReplyDeleteMoon, I am beyond thrilled for you guys. You will LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mommy to a little boy. They sure do love their mommies!!!! Like always, can't wait to rub that sweet 'belly' of yours!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you,
Congrats! you not only are being blessed with a boy....BUT you will still keep the "Only Granddaughter / Special One" Crown! HA HA HA!
ReplyDeleteReally Great news! I Love Ya both.
Uncle P
Oh boys are so sweet! I can't wait for Carson and Butterbean to have their first play date.
ReplyDeleteBe sure to check out Precious Cargo for nursery furniture. They are super nice and have a great selection.
Next step....coming up with cute boy names!
Congrats! The fun begins now that you can shop for baby :)
ReplyDeleteAHHHH!! Congrats! We can figure out this boy thing together! :)