I had my 16 week OB appointment today and to be honest it was a much anticipated appointment. It has been 4 weeks since my last appointment, and while I've been feeling absolutely fantastic, those 4 weeks felt like an absolute eternity. I guess nerves were getting the best of me, but I started to get anxious about this appointment, all I wanted was to hear Butterbean's little heartbeat. I even had Jason come along for moral support, he is such a sweet husband!
So the appointment was great, Butterbean's heartbeat was 151 and the nurse said moving a lot when she was trying to find it - active little Bean we have. I haven't felt any movement yet, although last night I thought I did, but the nurse said the location was too high for that to have been the baby. The doctor also measured my belly and said I was measuring perfect. And I only gained 1 lb since my last appointment, but I know these next few months is when the growth really happens.
And last but not least, here are 16 week belly pics - not too much growth from 14 weeks, but there is a baby bump, which I might add I absolutely love!! My friend Melanie said to wear it proudly and I have to admit - I DO!

ReplyDeleteGreat news, yes its excitting to see the progress. Aunt Josie loves the blog and was laughing pretty hard at the "hip hugger" jean story. May God's blessing follow you through and I know your Mom and Dad are guiding things along.....
Love Uncle P
You look great and I love the jeans!
ReplyDeleteI was 17 weeks when I started feeling what felt kind of like muscle twitches and 19 before her movements were really discernable. Lots of exciting stuff to come! Are you going to find out boy/girl?
Hey Whitney! We are now going to find out!! I was letting Jason make the decision and he decided today he wants to. I am so exicted!
ReplyDeleteMonica you looks so good....it the pregnancy glow : ) Only 4 more weeks until you find out the sex, that is very exciting!!
ReplyDeleteThe first time I felt Carson I wasn't sure it was a movement or not. It was more like a flutter, something you will never forget. I am so excited for you guys!
YAY YAY YAY!!!!! SOOOOOOOO glad Jason decided to find out. CAN NOT WAIT!!! You look AMAZING...as always! Love you so much and can't wait to rub that cute belly of yours. Uncle P is sooooo right...Janie and John are smiling down and guiding things PERFECTLY along!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you,
when you first feel movement it's going to be like gas or a butterfly moving around in there!! :) you probably won't realize, or you'll second guess and think it's just gas! YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!! (but seriously, are any of us really surprised about that??)