Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Matthew's first snow!

Well it actually happened we got "real" snow in Atlanta!
At least it was snow when it first fell now its ice, which is of course no fun! But we managed to get out yesterday so Matthew could experience his first snow.

We are hoping the temps get a bit higher to melt the ice, we've got cabin fever bad!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Finally some pictures of the 3 of us!

I always wondered why looking back at pictures of me as a kid it was either, just me in the picture or just one parent and me... Now I understand. Clearly one parent is taking the picture, while the other is in the picture. As I was looking through our pictures, I realized the only "family" picture we had of Jason, Matthew and I was, immediately after my c-section... Not exactly something I want to post on the fireplace mantle :)
So I asked a dear high school friend of mine to take some family pictures, and it was timely since Matthew was 6 months old. I'm really pleased with how they turned out.
She really caught some sweet, sweet images of us!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

6 Months Old & his first Christmas

Really... he's 6 months old (well as I'm finally getting around to this post, more like 6 1/2 months old...) It's truly hard to believe that sweet Matthew is half way to being a year old!

Jason took Matthew to his 6 month appointment, it was the first pediatrician appointment I have missed. It definitely felt weird not being there, but Dad did great (of course!). At his 6 month appointment, Matthew was:

  • 17.13 lbs - 55th percentile (gained almost 4 lbs since his 4 month appt.)
  • 17 1/4 head circumference - 55th percentile
  • 26 1/4 inches long - 50th percentile (grew 1 1/4 inches!)

His new nickname is the "little giant"... I think you can clearly see why! Matthew continues to grow, grow and grow. He eats ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING we have given him. We made it through all the typical stage 1 foods and are moving on to stage 2. I'm making some food (and yes, buying some as well). Over the weekend I made a combo of spinach, peas and sweet potatoes, pears and blueberries, and broccoli with sweet potatoes. So far all have been a hit! We tried mango and bananas last night - of course the kid ate them right up! Clearly this is how he's becoming a "little giant"!

This was taken in early December, clearly dinner wore him out!

And as Matthew turned 6 months old, he also experienced his first Christmas. Like most infants, he cared more about the bows and paper. I'm sure next year will be a totally different story!

Matthew with his cousins, Bryson & Andrew

And as each month goes by, and he gets older, he hits another milestone. It was over Christmas that he started sitting up on his own (with little support). It's so hard to believe!

And I also bought him a bath seat, since he's sitting up so well. As much as I love to see all these changes, at times it makes me sad that he's growing up SO much and so fast. But I guess that's just a part of parenthood.

And lastly, I took this picture tonight before Matthew's bath - man I love this little giant!