Monday, July 26, 2010

It really is the hardest job you will ever have...

I've always heard that being a Mom "is the hardest job you will ever have"... and I thought I believed it or tried to understand, I mean I've watched many of my girlfriends have children. I hear their stories of late night feedings, absolutely no time for themselves and the thought of regular mani/pedi's - HA that's something in the far distance! Well I will honestly say that I truly never understood what they meant until now.

Here we are almost 6 weeks into our lives with Matthew and each day is a new adventure. Some days the absolute best and others where yes, I have cried my eyes out. But I have to say that once I see through the tough days when Matthew is crying and feeling like there is absolutely nothing that I can do right to console him. It will be a moment when I take a second glance at this beautiful boy and all my tears and feelings of being an inadequate Mom completely disapear. It really is amazing how being a parent teaches you a new lesson each and everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Children definitely teach us how selfish we are! There is a light, once he starts getting used to his routine and sleeping more at night it will be like you have a huge chunk of your day back.
    If you ever need anything just call, I would be more than happy to sit if you want some time to yourself : ) or just want some extra hands.
