It is truly amazing how time is just flying by, I honestly can't believe that Matthew is already a month old! It's crazy to think that his original due was just this week too. I have to say, although it was such a surprise that he decided to make his grand entrance a month early, I wouldn't change it for the world!
We had his 1 month pediatrician appointment yesterday and it was such a great appointment!
He now weighs 6 lbs 12 oz (at his 2 week appointment he was 5 lbs 9 oz) and his height is now 20 3/4 inches long (he was 19.5 when he was born).
I was thrilled to see how much weight he had gained since his last appointment. I'm sure before we know it he'll have those little ham hock legs I just love on babies :)
This week we also gave Matthew his first bath. He did much better than I honestly anticipated, although we definitely had some screams.
Ok this isn't so bad...
Ok Mom & Dad, maybe I don't like this so much! 
Ahhh, I'm out and warm in Mom's arms!
As I think about how fast this month has just flown by, I have also been reflecting back to 1 year ago today. It was a year ago today that I found out I miscarried from my first pregnancy. It's just amazing how life can turn a heartbreaking experience into a blessing in disguise. It wasn't until I told my friend Heather that I was pregnant again and she asked when I was due, that we realized Matthew's due date would be around the miscarriage. As hard of an experience the miscarriage was, I just knew it was God's way of telling me everything in life does happen for a reason and that Matthew would be such a blessing to our life.
Happy 1 month birthday Matthew! Each day you bless our life with new memories we will cherish forever!
He is so adorable!
ReplyDeleteAnd gaining weight so well : )
God always knows what He is doing...we just have to sit back and enjoy the ride, as bumpy as it may be!!! Love you so much and am so happy lil Matthew is a part of all of our lives. Hugs!