Monday, July 26, 2010
It really is the hardest job you will ever have...
Here we are almost 6 weeks into our lives with Matthew and each day is a new adventure. Some days the absolute best and others where yes, I have cried my eyes out. But I have to say that once I see through the tough days when Matthew is crying and feeling like there is absolutely nothing that I can do right to console him. It will be a moment when I take a second glance at this beautiful boy and all my tears and feelings of being an inadequate Mom completely disapear. It really is amazing how being a parent teaches you a new lesson each and everyday.
Friday, July 16, 2010
1 Month Old! And looking back a year ago today...
Ok Mom & Dad, maybe I don't like this so much!
Ahhh, I'm out and warm in Mom's arms!
As I think about how fast this month has just flown by, I have also been reflecting back to 1 year ago today. It was a year ago today that I found out I miscarried from my first pregnancy. It's just amazing how life can turn a heartbreaking experience into a blessing in disguise. It wasn't until I told my friend Heather that I was pregnant again and she asked when I was due, that we realized Matthew's due date would be around the miscarriage. As hard of an experience the miscarriage was, I just knew it was God's way of telling me everything in life does happen for a reason and that Matthew would be such a blessing to our life.
Happy 1 month birthday Matthew! Each day you bless our life with new memories we will cherish forever!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
"Before you I never knew what it was like to smile for no reason at all"