Yep there he is in all his glory, my Butterbean # 2 belly at 36 weeks! Please ignore the self taken photo. I've done a horrible job taking belly pics this go around. I guess when you're running after a toddler you just forget. But I thought since this is the exact day when I was pregnant with Matthew that my water broke, I should at least get one belly shot.
I had an OB appointment yesterday and the doctor said everything looked fine, so really now it's just a waiting game to see if I make it all the way to July 26th, which is the day of my c-section. I'm feeling pretty good, other than feeling quite large and of course the heat in Atlanta is brutal right now. We are making progress on Butterbean # 2's room. Jason has to move out his desk, but the crib is 90% put together. Sadly we still haven't agreed on a name yet... I have one in mind, in the event we don't agree on something by the time we head to the hospital. I did however pack a bag last weekend, since the last time I literally went to the hospital with only my purse. I was also thinking that maybe my preparedness would help keep him in a big longer. Call me superstitious :)
Now it's just a waiting game, so we shall see what happens!
Monica, your belly looks so cute!! Adam and I were just talking about you the other day, wondering how you were feeling. I deleted my Facebook account so I'm a little out of touch with updates :) . I'm glad you only have a few weeks left, like you said the heat is unbearable!!