Well we made it to 38 weeks!
I had Jason take this picture this morning, since I was getting ready to walk out the door to work and actually looked relatively nice, although I may not be feeling it. I kept telling my OB that I wanted to make it "all the way" with Butterbean #2, she just kept saying, wait until you get there, then tell me how you feel. I now understand what she meant. There is definitely a different between being 36 weeks and 38 weeks. I'm truly grateful Butterbean #2 has held out this long, but I can honestly say Mama is ready! We will see what happens in the next week. I have an appt tomorrow, so we shall see if the doctor has anything to say. We are definitely getting excited about meeting our newest addition. We've been talking with Matthew about "baby brother" (since he still has no name...) and everyday he will ask "meet baby brother" or when he gets in the car he will say "baby brother sit next to Matthew". He seems to get the idea of "baby brother" but let's see next week once Baby Brother arrives.
I can't wait to see them together!