Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1 Month Old, now 2 Months old and other fun we've been having!

Wow it's really been a fast 2 months!  We've been having a lot of fun and Tyler is growing like a weed!

At his 1 month appointment, Tyler weighed 9 lbs 3 oz (40th percentile), was 21 1/2 inches (50th percentile) and his head was 14 inches (10th percentile). 
I'm keeping a spreadsheet to compare Tyler's growth to Matthew's and what's funny they had the same size head at their 1 month appointments.  Tyler however was 3 lbs heavier, but he should since he was born 3 weeks later.  It's crazy to remember how tiny Matthew was now compared to Tyler.

I also had newborn pictures taken of Tyler, like we did with Matthew. I used a different photographer, my friend Lindsey was totally booked, but we are planning a session with her in October to get some family shots. I am really pleased with how they turned out.

This is my Daddy's flag, we did the same with Matthew and I just love it!
Matthew curled up on the floor with Tyler one day, and I just loved it.  He will still go up to him and give him kisses, along with touching (read poke) Tyler's eyes and nose.

Jon & Andrew made a surprise visit with Andrew's sandbox.  Needless to say Matthew LOVES IT!

I love this picture!  I love Matthew's sweet eyes and the sand on his nose!

This past weekend my Aunt Josie came for a visit.  She came when Matthew was about the same age.  We had such a great visit!

Through all the fun we've had, unfortunately Tyler has already been struck with the sickies!  We could tell Matthew had been fighting off a cold or something for a few days, then one night Tyler woke up earlier than normal to eat.  When I went to lay him back down, he wasn't having it.  So we slept together in the chair for a few hours.  When he woke again, I could tell something was wrong, so I took his temperature.  Bless his heart, he was running a fever.  I called the pediatrian's office after hours line and she told us to head to the ER.  After they ran tests and an hour and half later, the diagnosis was a "virus".  The dreaded words.  Nothing you can do but treat the symtoms.  Needless to say it was an extremely long week in our house.  Boy were we glad when the "virus" was gone.

Tyler has his 2 month appointment next Friday and as usual I can't wait to see how much he's grown.  He already feels so much bigger. 
And with that said, my maternity leave will be up in 3 short weeks.  I remember this same time with Matthew and we were scrambling to find daycare for Matthew so I couldn't enjoy the last few weeks.  This time that is not the issue, so I'm soaking up these last few weeks with Tyler and Matthew.  I know once I head back to work, it will be a hustle bustle lifestyle. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sweet Sleepy Tyler

What a sweet face he has!  Tyler is now a little over 3 weeks old and such a sweetheart.
We've been enjoying our time together and yesterday got out for a nice walk around the neighborhood.  Mommy has been itching to get back to working out, but I have 3 more weeks until I'm cleared from the doctor, so strolls around the neighborhood will have to do. 
Tyler is doing really well, he sleeps pretty good at night, I have been working on getting him down 10, since he's been doing a 4-5 hour stretch the first part of the night, which is definitely nice!  I'm honestly looking forward to dropping that middle of the night feed, selfish I know and while it hasn't been all that bad, I'm ready for even longer stretches of sleep.
On August 31st Tyler has his 1 month appointment and I'm looking forward to see how much he's grown.  At his 2 week weight check he was 7 lbs 2 oz, and from the previous week had had gained 1 lb, such a difference from when Matthew was that little.  I keep telling Jason that it feels like Matthew is has grown so much since Tyler was born, but I think it's primarily the difference in size between the boys :)

Matthew continues to be such a sweet big brother.  Today was the first day I dropped him off at school and he pushed is brother in the stroller the entire way in, it was pretty darn sweet to watch. 
This past weekend, I took Tyler to get his newborn pictures taken, so Jason took Matthew to the Butterfly Festival here in Dunwoody.

Getting ready for the Bird Show!

Matthew wasn't too sure abou the butterflies, you can definitely see it in his face :)

 On Sunday, his cousin Andrew came over for a few hours to play.  They had a ball together!

This afternoon Matthew has a follow up ENT appointment, wish me luck.  It will be the first time I'm venturing out with BOTH kids in tow! 
This should be interesting!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome to the world Tyler Henry!

Our sweet baby boy arrived on schedule and as "planned" on July 26th at 7:38 am weighing 6 lbs 6 oz and 19 inches long. 
I was scheduled for a c-section with Tyler and kept saying throughout this pregnancy that I wanted to make it the entire length since Matthew arrived early.  Let's just say I was eating my words by 37 weeks.  Boy those last few weeks are killer! 
As Jason would describe it, Tyler's birth was "like going to a dentist appointment"...  His statement definitely cracked me up, but it was different waking up that Thursday morning and walking into the hospital for a planned delivery.  We arrived at Northside at 5:15 am and I was scheduled for surgery at 7:15 am.  I could not understand why we had to be there 2 hours prior, but once we arrived I understood.  I completely forgot all that had to be done prior the delivery. 

I had Jason take one last picture before I slipped into the hospital gown.  
39 weeks and ready to meet our newest addition!
We got prepped and right on time, I was rolled into the OR at 7:15 am and by 7:38 am, I was hearing the cries of our newest boy, Tyler Henry.  Tears immediately started rolling down my face when I heard his sweet cry.

Welcome to the world Tyler Henry!

We are officially a family of 4!

A head full of hair and such a sweet little nose!
I really worried how Matthew would react once Tyler arrived, but Matthew is such a good big brother.  From the time he met Tyler he's been so sweet to his baby brother and loves to touch his hair and give him kisses.  It is so sweet to watch!
Matthew meeting his baby brother for the first time!

Tyler is now 3 weeks old, which I can't believe, and we are enjoying every second of being a family of 4! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

38 Weeks

Well we made it to 38 weeks! 
I had Jason take this picture this morning, since I was getting ready to walk out the door to work and actually looked relatively nice, although I may not be feeling it.  I kept telling my OB that I wanted to make it "all the way" with Butterbean #2, she just kept saying, wait until you get there, then tell me how you feel.  I now understand what she meant.  There is definitely a different between being 36 weeks and 38 weeks.  I'm truly grateful Butterbean #2 has held out this long, but I can honestly say Mama is ready!  We will see what happens in the next week.  I have an appt tomorrow, so we shall see if the doctor has anything to say.  We are definitely getting excited about meeting our newest addition.  We've been talking with Matthew about "baby brother" (since he still has no name...) and everyday he will ask "meet baby brother" or when he gets in the car he will say "baby brother sit next to Matthew".  He seems to get the idea of "baby brother" but let's see next week once Baby Brother arrives. 
I can't wait to see them together!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Matthew turns 2!

Our sweet Matthew turned 2 and I really can't believe it! 
His birthday fell during a trip to Virginia for a family reunion, however Mama couldn't make the trip due to travel restriction. 
Matthew had a great celebration with his cousins and the entire Dean family!

Andrew & Bryson celebrating with Matthew!

Matthew's adorable birthday cake!

Cousin Andrew helping with presents!

It's hard to believe Matthew is 2, and in a few more weeks he will become a big brother.  He's grown up so much and becoming such a little boy, although he will always be my baby!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

36 Weeks - let's see how far we make it!

Yep there he is in all his glory, my Butterbean # 2 belly at 36 weeks!  Please ignore the self taken photo.  I've done a horrible job taking belly pics this go around.  I guess when you're running after a toddler you just forget.  But I thought since this is the exact day when I was pregnant with Matthew that my water broke, I should at least get one belly shot. 
I had an OB appointment yesterday and the doctor said everything looked fine, so really now it's just a waiting game to see if I make it all the way to July 26th, which is the day of my c-section.  I'm feeling pretty good, other than feeling quite large and of course the heat in Atlanta is brutal right now.  We are making progress on Butterbean # 2's room.  Jason has to move out his desk, but the crib is 90% put together.  Sadly we still haven't agreed on a name yet...  I have one in mind, in the event we don't agree on something by the time we head to the hospital.  I did however pack a bag last weekend, since the last time I literally went to the hospital with only my purse.  I was also thinking that maybe my preparedness would help keep him in a big longer.  Call me superstitious :)
Now it's just a waiting game, so we shall see what happens!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Matthew's first Tropical Trip!

Every year, Jason and I take what I like to call, "get the heck out of Atlanta trip".  It's our annual island vacation to get away from work, laptops and all the hustle and bustle.  This year we decided to head to Aruba with another family, the Jacowitz's, and we would take Matthew for his first tropical vacation.  Brian & Alison have an almost 3 year old son, Alex.  He and Matthew had a ball together!  
It was a great time, the weather was perfect and Matthew had a great time!  However I will say, vacationing with a toddler really isn't a "vacation".  I guess that's what our trip at the end of the month to the Dominican is for :)

Enjoying the Beach!
  Matthew's sweet little feet with Mama's

Sunset dinner at the Lighthouse
Matthew loved, loved, loved going down the water slide.  Thank goodness Daddy would keep taking him!
Matthew & his buddy Alex

Love that Matthew kept his sunglasses on long enough to snap this!
We booked a photographer to take family pictures and I'm so happy we did!

It was such a fun vacation and I know one of many more to come with our little family!