Clearly this is way overdue, Matthew is well over 3 months old at this point (14 weeks to be exact), but since going back to work, I've realized some things (this blog, exercising, among other things) have been put on the back burner temporarily.
I'll probably say this on every post, but it is truly amazing how much Matthew changes from week to week and month to month. Clearly I'm a new mom!
Here he is before heading out to school. What a good sport for an early morning!

However, check out those cheeks, who do you think he gets those from!!??
I've now been back to work for 3 weeks and Matthew in daycare for 3 weeks as well. Both are going really well, which is such a relief! Matthew has done such a great job acclimating to daycare. He's always smiling when I pick him up - probably because he's typically just been fed - but they always say he's had a great day. I will say that it didn't take long for the germs to hit. He's been congested for over a week and he came home on Monday evening with a slight fever, but the fever quickly broke. I will say, he was still his happy, playful self.
AND.... last night I finally got what I knew was an offical giggle! I think I squealed so loud, Matthew looked at me like I was crazy - but boy do I love baby giggles! Now I just have to figure out how to get more out of him :)
And here are a few pictures of our cutie pie from the past couple of weeks!
Bath time!

yay!!! I'm so glad things are going well!! who do you think he looks like? I think he's a good combination of both of you?!!
ReplyDeleteMelanie...he looks JUST like Monica!!! Moon, as I live and breathe....he is the SPITTING imagine of you!! What a doll baby. I need to get my hands on him asap!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe is so adorable, growing up fast : )
ReplyDeleteMelanie - it's funny my Aunt Josie totally says Matthew looks like Jason, but everyone else says me :) I'm biased of course!
ReplyDeleteMonica, he is just too darn cute!! I love the chubby cheeks! hard to believe how much he has grown and filled out in 14 weeks! Keep feeding that sweet boy!