Matthew is 2 months old and it just amazes me how much he has changed in just 2 months.
He has gained almost 4 lbs and grew 3 inches in length. I knew he was getting bigger, but I was so surprised when we got the official measurements at his 2 month appointment.
1 Month Old
Weight: 6 lbs 12 oz (3rd percentile)
Weight: 6 lbs 12 oz (3rd percentile)
Height: 20 3/4 inches (25th percentile)
Head Size: 14 inches (10th percentile)

2 Months Old
Weight: 10 lbs 2 oz (20th percentile)
Weight: 10 lbs 2 oz (20th percentile)
Height: 23 3/4 inches (75th percentile)
Head Size: 15 1/4 inches (25th percentile)
At his appointment he also got his first round of vaccines. I knew Matthew would cry, who wouldn't getting a shot in the leg, but I didn't realize how much Mom would cry too!

Just seeing my sweet Matthew cry so hard just absolutely broke my heart. I was also really nervous to how the rest of the day would go after his shots. I had heard that some infants run fevers, are really fussy, the works, but Matthew did quite well. He ate well and cat napped the first few hours after we got home. Later in the afternoon, he did get pretty fussy off and on, but I happened to notice his leg was red and a bit swollen, so a bit of Tylenol did the trick to make him feel a bit better.
Luckily today he seems to be back to his old self.
I only have 2 more weeks of maternity leave and during these past 10 weeks, I've come to learn that I'm definitely not ready to be a stay at home Mom yet, but boy it is going to be hard to be apart from Matthew. We are still trying to figure out our daycare options. We looked at 2 places with openings, but I cried at the thought of leaving Matthew at either place, even if it is only temporary. I am hoping after tomorrow we will have a plan in place.
Please keep your fingers crossed for us!
I don't think anyone is ever really ready to be a stay at home mom!! It took me about 1.5 years before I figured it out and got comfortable with my title of "Domestic Engineer" ;)--good luck to you!! I found Camden really enjoyed daycare. . .he was bored when we put him in 3 day preschool!!
ReplyDeleteI totally think the vaccines are harder on the moms than the babies!
ReplyDeleteWe did a test run the Friday before I went back to work with Primrose.....I highly suggest it! Hope you find a daycare you are happy with and soon : )