Weight: 6 lbs 12 oz (3rd percentile)

Weight: 10 lbs 2 oz (20th percentile)

And she helped give Matthew a bath, which she loved!And we played on his activity mat - he even coo'd some, which we both loved!
And in 3 short weeks my maternity leave will come to an end :( I really can't believe it. We are still on the waiting list at his daycare, but I haven't heard the official word about when we will get Matthew in. However, I'm getting ready for plan, what that is, I'm not sure yet!
Here we are ready to go!
We had a great visit from Janet & Brooke. Janet & I went to high school together. She was actually my inspiration to workout my entire pregnancy. We worked out together during her pregnancy and she made it look SO easy!
Brooke just loved meeting her future boyfriend!
And last week, I took Matthew on his first trip to Milledgeville to see his Nana & Papa. It was a fun time. His cousin Andrew was visiting too, and Andrew just loves Matthew. He is obsessed with his feet too - as he says "I like to lick them because they don't have bones and they are squishy"... Jori's Mom, Beth, came to meet Matthew too!
Time continues to fly by! I go back to work in a month and I can't believe it. It's a little overwhelming to think about, so I've decided I'm not going to yet :)
Matthew continues to grow. I can't wait until his next pediatrician appointment to see how big he's getting, but his little thighs are definitely getting more meat on them. He is also sleeping really well at night. He sleeps for a 5-6 hour stretch, which is wonderful! We are definitely blessed.
I did make one of those first "tough Mom decisions" over the weekend. Before Matthew was born, I said that I would take breastfeeding in stride. We would do it as long as both Mom & baby were happy. When Matthew was born, we had some difficulty since he arrived early. I met with lactation consultants in the hospital and felt pretty confident when I left. We continued to have some difficulty, so another trip to the lactation we made. After that visit, I again thought we were on the path to success, but for the past 2 weeks, it was just flat out tough. I wasn't happy and I didn't want Matthew to feel the stress I was putting on myself. So after many conversations with other Moms, my mother-in-law and Jason, I decided to stop. It was a really tough decision, but I felt strongly that it was best so I could be a good (and happy) Mom to Matthew. I am continuing to pump, so he's actually still getting some breastmilk, but we've also started formula. I never imagined something that is suppose to be so natural would be so incredibly hard. Nor did I ever think I would have such an internal battle about making the decision to stop. I will say since making this decision, I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I guess that means I made the right decision.
So after all that, what could possibly be next for us!!?? Well my Aunt Josie is coming for a visit this weekend! Matthew will get to meet his great Aunt. We can't wait to see her!