Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1 Month Old, now 2 Months old and other fun we've been having!

Wow it's really been a fast 2 months!  We've been having a lot of fun and Tyler is growing like a weed!

At his 1 month appointment, Tyler weighed 9 lbs 3 oz (40th percentile), was 21 1/2 inches (50th percentile) and his head was 14 inches (10th percentile). 
I'm keeping a spreadsheet to compare Tyler's growth to Matthew's and what's funny they had the same size head at their 1 month appointments.  Tyler however was 3 lbs heavier, but he should since he was born 3 weeks later.  It's crazy to remember how tiny Matthew was now compared to Tyler.

I also had newborn pictures taken of Tyler, like we did with Matthew. I used a different photographer, my friend Lindsey was totally booked, but we are planning a session with her in October to get some family shots. I am really pleased with how they turned out.

This is my Daddy's flag, we did the same with Matthew and I just love it!
Matthew curled up on the floor with Tyler one day, and I just loved it.  He will still go up to him and give him kisses, along with touching (read poke) Tyler's eyes and nose.

Jon & Andrew made a surprise visit with Andrew's sandbox.  Needless to say Matthew LOVES IT!

I love this picture!  I love Matthew's sweet eyes and the sand on his nose!

This past weekend my Aunt Josie came for a visit.  She came when Matthew was about the same age.  We had such a great visit!

Through all the fun we've had, unfortunately Tyler has already been struck with the sickies!  We could tell Matthew had been fighting off a cold or something for a few days, then one night Tyler woke up earlier than normal to eat.  When I went to lay him back down, he wasn't having it.  So we slept together in the chair for a few hours.  When he woke again, I could tell something was wrong, so I took his temperature.  Bless his heart, he was running a fever.  I called the pediatrian's office after hours line and she told us to head to the ER.  After they ran tests and an hour and half later, the diagnosis was a "virus".  The dreaded words.  Nothing you can do but treat the symtoms.  Needless to say it was an extremely long week in our house.  Boy were we glad when the "virus" was gone.

Tyler has his 2 month appointment next Friday and as usual I can't wait to see how much he's grown.  He already feels so much bigger. 
And with that said, my maternity leave will be up in 3 short weeks.  I remember this same time with Matthew and we were scrambling to find daycare for Matthew so I couldn't enjoy the last few weeks.  This time that is not the issue, so I'm soaking up these last few weeks with Tyler and Matthew.  I know once I head back to work, it will be a hustle bustle lifestyle.