Friday, February 24, 2012

Butterbean #1 vs. Butterbean #2

There have been many differences between my pregnancy with Butterbean #1 & Butterbean #2.

No nausea vs. slight nausea

Energy for days (even in my first trimester) vs. absolutely no energy until 14-15 weeks

And the most obvious of them all...

Slow belly growth vs. Well, let's just say Butterbean #2 is settling in quite nicely, to say the least! The first picture was taken when I was 18 weeks with Matthew, and the above taken today and I'm just a few days past 17 weeks.

All I can say is what a difference!

The Greatest Show on Earth!

Last weekend we took Matthew to the circus. We had been planning the outing for sometime with our good friends, Tripp & Lindsay along with their 2 kids. Unfortunately, their sweet son Eli was sick, so it was just Mia, but fun was still had by all!

Love this sweet picture!

I don't think the kids were a fan of the clown...

Show time!

You have to have popcorn at the circus!

Love that they are both clapping!

Clearly they had a good time! They were both asleep within 10 mins of our car ride home!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mischievous Matthew

Matthew discovered the fun of toilet paper rolls... Luckily it doesn't happen too often!

A long overdue update!

Well here we are in February and I'm just getting around to posting pictures from our annual Dean Family Christmas. I do have an honest excuse for my lack in posting, which I will get to in a bit...

So for Christmas we headed to Milledgeville to Jason's parents for a gathering of all the Dean's. For the past couple of years, it seems we've had a new addition. For a while it was new daughter-in-laws, then we moved onto new grandchildren. So Christmas this year was a wild one, to say the least, with all 3 grandchildren, ages 6, 2 and 18 months.

Here's a glimse of the fun!
Andrew, Bryson & Matthew
Playing Nana's Piano

Opening one present on Christmas Eve! My Aunt Josie got Matthew Elmo Rocks. Matthew has a slight obsession with Elmo right now. Needless to say Elmo was a hit!

Matthew LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his cousin Andrew! And Andrew is so good to Matthew. Here they are on Charlie's dog bed, Andrew with Green Monkey and Matthew with his Lovey :)

And all the Deans together!

Now this is really how it all went down! I absolutely love this picture and everything it captured! Pure maddness!

So now to my lack there of posting... Matthew is going to be a big brother! Butterbean # 2 is expected to arrive August 1, 2012.

This pregnancy has been nothing but the opposite to my experience with Matthew. I was completely exhausted until recently, however I didn't have any morning sickness, so I can't complain too much. And everyone warned me that with baby #2, your body jumps right back into pregnancy, but I guess I really didn't believe it...

I will let this picture speak for itself! PS. I'm only 12 weeks in this picture... I am now 15 weeks and feeling like my energy is finally coming back, so needless to I'm going to attempt to take full advantage of it!

Matthew's language is growing by leaps and bounds. I was trying to keep up with all his words, but honestly he picks up something new everyday. At his 18 month appointment I was so proud to tell his pediatrician how was saying a few 2 word sentences - "Mama's / Dadda's car", "Bye-bye cars". Since then he's added so much more! It's definitely fun to watch (and hear) what he says next!