Now a special message to our sweet, amazing boy.
Happy 1st Birthday sweet Matthew! I have said it once, and I will say it again. You have blessed our lives beyond belief. Each day is a new day of experiences, filled with new memories we will cherish forever. But most importantly you have taught your Mom and Dad how to love more than we ever knew we could.
We love you Matthew to the moon and back and can't wait to see what this next year will hold!
We also took Matthew for first hair cut. Jason was getting tired of the "oh what a pretty baby girl" comments :)
9 Months Old - Matthew's First Braves Game & a 9 Month Check up
The month by month pictures are getting harder and harder, with a more mobile child!
Well if you're a son of Jason's, clearly you will be sports fan, so as you guessed Matthew has already been to his first Brave's game.
Matthew's 9 Month Appt
It was time for another well check up. I was of course anxious to see how big our little giant was getting. He seems to weight a ton, since he LOVES to eat!
Weight: 21 lbs 9 oz (70th percentile)
Height: 29 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18 1/4 inches (78th percentile)
Clearly he's a growing boy! Matthew also started crawling right after his 9 month appointment! And he hasn't slowed down yet!
And now here we are to 10 months old
Sadly we haven't taken our monthly picture. Matthew also had 4 teeth, yes I said 4 teeth come in all at once. Honestly I don't think it would have been so bad (other than the massive amounts of drool) but he also had his second ear infection at the sametime. Poor kid!
And finally, we took Matthew down to Hilton Head for his first beach trip. I was worried how he would take to the sand and water, but like his Mama, he LOVED the beach!
Whew, there's the past 3 months in the shortest update possible. More to come, since someone is turning 1 oh so soon!