Jason & I and Lindsay & Tripp before dinner our first night.
So yes I braved a bikini at 27 weeks. Jason wasn't have a tankini or as he said "you aren't wearing a one piece!"
Another belly shot in the sun :)Playing a little soccer :) Jason let me score a few goals!
Enjoying our last day on the beach!
And now on to our 28 week appointment and it was a pretty eventful appointment. I had the glucose screening, which is screen for possible gestational diabetes. I have honestly been really nervous about this, primarily because of my insane sweet tooth. I kid you not, each day I eat something sweet, typically more than one sweet something. Then of course being in Mexico too, I enjoyed a few frozen mocktails. I just barely passed as the nurse told me. The cut off is 135, mine was 133 - whew! I was (of course) REALLY worried about the scale this appointment too. I've had a few people tell me that around 26-27 weeks the weight just piled on. I did notice that right after my last appointment the scale started to tip. And blaming Mexico again, we enjoyed some great food! It wasn't as bad as I honestly anticipated, I gained an additional 6 lbs, since my last appointment, so right now I'm at 19-20 lbs total.
We then moved on to the ultrasound. I've had more than normal for 2 reasons. My placenta is sitting a bit low and one of Butterbean's kidney's is prominent. Neither of which is anything for major concern, the doctors are just monitoring both and more than likely will fix itself in due time. I do go back on Friday to a perinatologist for another ultrasound, so they can check out Butterbean's kidney. But otherwise, he's measuring right at 28 weeks and as active as he can be! The ultrasound tech even showed me some hair on the ultrasound, Jason doesn't believe me. Another shot of his feet - doesn't it look huge!
And last but not least, a 28 week belly update! I thought it would only be appropriate to do it in Mexico with the beach in the background.
Jason is headed to Biloxi this weekend for some gambling, so I'm taking in a few classes at Northside - Breastfeeding and Baby Essentials.
Butterbean's room is also coming along. This weekend, I plan to make a list of the decor we need and lay it out for Jason's approval. I'm hoping we can get it all done in the next few weeks and I'll post some before and after pictures.